澳大利亚新南威尔士州华文作家协会,中文简称新州华文作协,英文全称Chinese Writers Federation of New South Wales Australia Incorporated,创立于1995年,是一个非政治性、非宗教性、非盈利性的民间专业组织,在新南威尔士州政府注册,会员为生活在澳大利亚新南威尔士州(简称新州)但不限于新州的华文作家。
About us
The Chinese Writers Federation of New South Wales Australia Incorporated (CWFNSW, was founded in 1995. The full Chinese name is “澳大利亚新南威尔士州华文作家协会”, or “新州华文作协“ in short. We are a non-profit, non-political, non-religious and non-governmental professional organisation, registered with the New South Wales government. Our members are writers who produce works in the Chinese language. We primarily live in, though are not limited to , New South Wales, Australia.
Our purpose
Meet friends and connect individuals through literature to enable the exchange of writing experiences and literary related information, and encourage members to write in a variety of literary form, styles and themes.
Support the development of Australian-Chinese literature in Australia and gain prominence in Australia’s mainstream literary circles.
Promote the development of Australia’s multiculturalism and establish the acclaim of Australian-Chinese literature on the international stage.
Our committee
The highest authority of our organisation is the member representative assembly, and the executive management body is the committee. The previous presidents have been Mingxian YANG, Guoying SHI, Mingyan LI, Wei XIAO, Jinglin LI, Di TIAN and Qianbo XIN. The current president is Jingfan ZHANG and the vice president is Di TIAN.
Our member
The organisation includes a large number of well-known writers active in the Australian-Chinese literary community. We have the largest number of books published under the sponsorship of the Australian Nanming Publishing Fund. Since establishment, we have held many events (such as seminars on members’ works ), collaborated with famous writers from China and other countries, and sent representatives to attend the World Congress of Chinese Writers on many occasion. Our members have published many works and books, and won various literary awards and accolades. Our organisation has become an influential literary society in the Australian-Chinese literary world.
Our Journal
We have been publishing a electronic journal since 2009 called “Nanzhou Salon” which was revised to a semi-annual journal “Southern Lights” with a registered international ISSN. Each issue is about 200,000 words. It mainly publishes members work. This journal is available on The National Library of Australia’s e-book system.